View List
This page is the first of a series of pages that guide you through editing
your topic list. From this page you may choose to modify subtopics,
add additional topics, and delete topics.
If you would like to change your subtopics, click Modify Subtopics.
On the Update Subtopics page you may delete any given subtopic or add
new subtopics. To delete a subtopic, select the subtopic and click the
Delete Subtopic Button.
To select an item, click the circle beside the item you wish to select.
Once an item is selected, a black dot will appear inside the circle.

To add a new subtopic use the Random Topic Generator,
which produces the first half of a new subtopic. If you like the subtopic
starter, fill in the rest of the sentence. Then click the Add
New Subtopic button. If you do not like the current start,
click the New Random Topic button.When you are finished
updating your subtopics, click Done.
If you wish to add new topics, click the Add Additional Topics
button to begin. Below, you can see the steps involved to adding your
new topic. We have not included further details because this is almost
identical to the process of creating your first topic.
Select Topic Page
Select Subtopic Page
Adding Custom Topics Page
Once you finish adding new topics and subtopics, click View
Your Topics button.
If you would like to delete a topic click Go to Delete Topic.
Select the Topic you want to delete, and click Delete This Topic.
To select an item, click the circle beside the item you wish to delete.
Once an item is selected, a black dot will appear inside the circle.

Click Done when you are finished. Then
click View Topics.